Package SCons :: Module Defaults
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Module Defaults

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Builders and other things for the local site.  Here's where we'll
duplicate the functionality of autoconf until we move it into the
installation procedure or use something like qmconf.

The code that reads the registry to find MSVC components was borrowed
from distutils.msvccompiler.

Classes [hide private]
This is a callable class that can be used in place of other command generators if you don't want them to do anything.
A class for finding a construction variable on the stack and calling one of its methods.
Functions [hide private]
_fetch_DefaultEnvironment(*args, **kw)
Returns the already-created default construction environment.
source code
DefaultEnvironment(*args, **kw)
Initial public entry point for creating the default construction Environment.
source code
StaticObjectEmitter(target, source, env) source code
SharedObjectEmitter(target, source, env) source code
SharedFlagChecker(source, target, env) source code
get_paths_str(dest) source code
chmod_func(dest, mode) source code
chmod_strfunc(dest, mode) source code
copy_func(dest, src) source code
delete_func(dest, must_exist=0) source code
delete_strfunc(dest, must_exist=0) source code
mkdir_func(dest) source code
move_func(dest, src) source code
touch_func(dest) source code
_concat(prefix, list, suffix, env, f=<function <lambda> at 0x8550684>, target=False, source=False)
Creates a new list from 'list' by first interpolating each element in the list using the 'env' dictionary and then calling f on the list, and finally calling _concat_ixes to concatenate 'prefix' and 'suffix' onto each element of the list.
source code
_concat_ixes(prefix, list, suffix, env)
Creates a new list from 'list' by concatenating the 'prefix' and 'suffix' arguments onto each element of the list.
source code
_stripixes(prefix, list, suffix, stripprefixes, stripsuffixes, env, c=False)
This is a wrapper around _concat()/_concat_ixes() that checks for the existence of prefixes or suffixes on list elements and strips them where it finds them.
source code
_defines(prefix, defs, suffix, env, c=<function _concat_ixes at 0x85506f4>)
A wrapper around _concat_ixes that turns a list or string into a list of C preprocessor command-line definitions.
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Variables [hide private]
  __revision__ = 'src/engine/SCons/ 3842 2008/12/20 2...
  _default_env = False
  SharedCheck = SCons.Action.Action(SharedFlagChecker, None)
  CScan = SCons.Tool.CScanner
  DScan = SCons.Tool.DScanner
  LaTeXScan = SCons.Tool.LaTeXScanner
  ObjSourceScan = SCons.Tool.SourceFileScanner
  ProgScan = SCons.Tool.ProgramScanner
  DirScanner = SCons.Scanner.Dir.DirScanner()
  DirEntryScanner = SCons.Scanner.Dir.DirEntryScanner()
  CAction = SCons.Action.Action("$CCCOM", "$CCCOMSTR")
  ShCAction = SCons.Action.Action("$SHCCCOM", "$SHCCCOMSTR")
  CXXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$CXXCOM", "$CXXCOMSTR")
  ShCXXAction = SCons.Action.Action("$SHCXXCOM", "$SHCXXCOMSTR")
  ASAction = SCons.Action.Action("$ASCOM", "$ASCOMSTR")
  ASPPAction = SCons.Action.Action("$ASPPCOM", "$ASPPCOMSTR")
  LinkAction = SCons.Action.Action("$LINKCOM", "$LINKCOMSTR")
  ShLinkAction = SCons.Action.Action("$SHLINKCOM", "$SHLINKCOMSTR")
  LdModuleLinkAction = <SCons.Action.LazyAction instance at 0x85...
  Chmod = ActionFactory(chmod_func, chmod_strfunc)
  Copy = ActionFactory(copy_func, lambda dest, src: 'Copy("%s", ...
  Delete = ActionFactory(delete_func, delete_strfunc)
  Mkdir = ActionFactory(mkdir_func, lambda dir: 'Mkdir(%s)' % ge...
  Move = ActionFactory(move_func, lambda dest, src: 'Move("%s", ...
  Touch = ActionFactory(touch_func, lambda file: 'Touch(%s)' % g...
  ConstructionEnvironment = {'BUILDERS': {}, 'CONFIGUREDIR': '#/...
Function Details [hide private]

DefaultEnvironment(*args, **kw)

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Initial public entry point for creating the default construction

After creating the environment, we overwrite our name
(DefaultEnvironment) with the _fetch_DefaultEnvironment() function,
which more efficiently returns the initialized default construction
environment without checking for its existence.

(This function still exists with its _default_check because someone
else (*cough* Script/ *cough*) may keep a reference
to this function.  So we can't use the fully functional idiom of
having the name originally be a something that *only* creates the
construction environment and then overwrites the name.)

_concat_ixes(prefix, list, suffix, env)

source code 

Creates a new list from 'list' by concatenating the 'prefix' and
'suffix' arguments onto each element of the list.  A trailing space
on 'prefix' or leading space on 'suffix' will cause them to be put
into separate list elements rather than being concatenated.

_stripixes(prefix, list, suffix, stripprefixes, stripsuffixes, env, c=False)

source code 

This is a wrapper around _concat()/_concat_ixes() that checks for the
existence of prefixes or suffixes on list elements and strips them
where it finds them.  This is used by tools (like the GNU linker)
that need to turn something like 'libfoo.a' into '-lfoo'.

Variables Details [hide private]


'src/engine/SCons/ 3842 2008/12/20 22:59:52 scons'




ActionFactory(copy_func, lambda dest, src: 'Copy("%s", "%s")' %(dest, \
src), convert= str)


ActionFactory(mkdir_func, lambda dir: 'Mkdir(%s)' % get_paths_str(dir)\


ActionFactory(move_func, lambda dest, src: 'Move("%s", "%s")' %(dest, \
src), convert= str)


ActionFactory(touch_func, lambda file: 'Touch(%s)' % get_paths_str(fil\


{'BUILDERS': {},
 'CONFIGUREDIR': '#/.sconf_temp',
 'CONFIGURELOG': '#/config.log',
 'CPPSUFFIXES': ['.c',