Package SCons :: Module Environment :: Class OverrideEnvironment
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Class OverrideEnvironment

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             object --+        
SubstitutionEnvironment --+    
                       Base --+

A proxy that overrides variables in a wrapped construction environment by returning values from an overrides dictionary in preference to values from the underlying subject environment.

This is a lightweight (I hope) proxy that passes through most use of attributes to the underlying Environment.Base class, but has just enough additional methods defined to act like a real construction environment with overridden values. It can wrap either a Base construction environment, or another OverrideEnvironment, which can in turn nest arbitrary OverrideEnvironments...

Note that we do not call the underlying base class (SubsitutionEnvironment) initialization, because we get most of those from proxying the attributes of the subject construction environment. But because we subclass SubstitutionEnvironment, this class also has inherited arg2nodes() and subst*() methods; those methods can't be proxied because they need this object's methods to fetch the values from the overrides dictionary.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, subject, overrides={})
Initialization of a basic SCons construction environment, including setting up special construction variables like BUILDER, PLATFORM, etc., and searching for and applying available Tools.
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__getattr__(self, name) source code
__setattr__(self, name, value)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
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__getitem__(self, key) source code
__setitem__(self, key, value) source code
__delitem__(self, key) source code
get(self, key, default=None)
Emulates the get() method of dictionaries.
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has_key(self, key) source code
__contains__(self, key) source code
Emulates the items() method of dictionaries.
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Emulates the items() method of dictionaries.
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_update(self, dict)
Update an environment's values directly, bypassing the normal checks that occur when users try to set items.
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gvars(self) source code
lvars(self) source code
Replace(self, **kw)
Replace existing construction variables in an Environment with new construction variables and/or values.
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Inherited from Base: Action, AddPostAction, AddPreAction, Alias, AlwaysBuild, Append, AppendENVPath, AppendUnique, BuildDir, Builder, CacheDir, Clean, Clone, Command, Configure, Copy, Decider, Depends, Detect, Dir, Dump, Entry, Environment, Execute, File, FindFile, FindInstalledFiles, FindIxes, FindSourceFiles, Flatten, GetBuildPath, Glob, Ignore, Literal, Local, NoCache, NoClean, ParseConfig, ParseDepends, Platform, Precious, Prepend, PrependENVPath, PrependUnique, Pseudo, ReplaceIxes, Repository, Requires, SConsignFile, Scanner, SetDefault, SideEffect, SourceCode, SourceSignatures, Split, TargetSignatures, Tool, Value, VariantDir, WhereIs, get_CacheDir, get_builder, get_factory, get_scanner, get_src_sig_type, get_tgt_sig_type, scanner_map_delete

Inherited from SubstitutionEnvironment: AddMethod, MergeFlags, Override, ParseFlags, RemoveMethod, __cmp__, arg2nodes, backtick, subst, subst_kw, subst_list, subst_path, subst_target_source

Inherited from SubstitutionEnvironment (private): _init_special

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from Base: memoizer_counters

Inherited from SubstitutionEnvironment: __metaclass__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, subject, overrides={})

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Initialization of a basic SCons construction environment, including setting up special construction variables like BUILDER, PLATFORM, etc., and searching for and applying available Tools.

Note that we do not call the underlying base class (SubsitutionEnvironment) initialization, because we need to initialize things in a very specific order that doesn't work with the much simpler base class initialization.

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

__setattr__(self, name, value)

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x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
Overrides: object.__setattr__
(inherited documentation)

__getitem__(self, key)
(Indexing operator)

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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.__getitem__

__setitem__(self, key, value)
(Index assignment operator)

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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.__setitem__

__delitem__(self, key)
(Index deletion operator)

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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.__delitem__

get(self, key, default=None)

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Emulates the get() method of dictionaries.
Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.get

has_key(self, key)

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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.has_key

__contains__(self, key)
(In operator)

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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.__contains__


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Emulates the items() method of dictionaries.
Overrides: Base.Dictionary


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Emulates the items() method of dictionaries.
Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.items

_update(self, dict)

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Update an environment's values directly, bypassing the normal checks that occur when users try to set items.
Overrides: Base._update


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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.gvars


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Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.lvars

Replace(self, **kw)

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Replace existing construction variables in an Environment with new construction variables and/or values.
Overrides: Base.Replace
(inherited documentation)