Package SCons :: Module Environment :: Class Base
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Class Base

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SubstitutionEnvironment --+
Known Subclasses:
OverrideEnvironment, Script.SConscript'.SConsEnvironment

Base class for "real" construction Environments.  These are the
primary objects used to communicate dependency and construction
information to the build engine.

Keyword arguments supplied when the construction Environment
is created are construction variables used to initialize the

Instance Methods [hide private]
Action(self, *args, **kw) source code
AddPostAction(self, files, action) source code
AddPreAction(self, files, action) source code
Alias(self, target, source=[], action=False, **kw) source code
AlwaysBuild(self, *targets) source code
Append(self, **kw)
Append values to existing construction variables in an Environment.
source code
AppendENVPath(self, name, newpath, envname='ENV', sep=':', delete_existing=False)
Append path elements to the path 'name' in the 'ENV' dictionary for this environment.
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AppendUnique(self, delete_existing=0, **kw)
Append values to existing construction variables in an Environment, if they're not already there.
source code
BuildDir(self, *args, **kw) source code
Builder(self, **kw) source code
CacheDir(self, path) source code
Clean(self, targets, files) source code
Clone(self, tools=[], toolpath=False, parse_flags=False, **kw)
Return a copy of a construction Environment.
source code
Command(self, target, source, action, **kw)
Builds the supplied target files from the supplied source files using the supplied action.
source code
Configure(self, *args, **kw) source code
Copy(self, *args, **kw) source code
Decider(self, function) source code
Depends(self, target, dependency)
Explicity specify that 'target's depend on 'dependency'.
source code
Detect(self, progs)
Return the first available program in progs.
source code
Dictionary(self, *args) source code
Dir(self, name, *args, **kw) source code
Dump(self, key=False)
Using the standard Python pretty printer, dump the contents of the scons build environment to stdout.
source code
Entry(self, name, *args, **kw) source code
Environment(self, **kw) source code
Execute(self, action, *args, **kw)
Directly execute an action through an Environment...
source code
File(self, name, *args, **kw) source code
FindFile(self, file, dirs) source code
returns the list of all targets of the Install and InstallAs Builder.
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FindIxes(self, paths, prefix, suffix)
Search a list of paths for something that matches the prefix and suffix.
source code
FindSourceFiles(self, node='.')
returns a list of all source files.
source code
Flatten(self, sequence) source code
GetBuildPath(self, files) source code
Glob(self, pattern, ondisk=True, source=False, strings=False) source code
Ignore(self, target, dependency)
Ignore a dependency.
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Literal(self, string) source code
Local(self, *targets) source code
NoCache(self, *targets)
Tags a target so that it will not be cached
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NoClean(self, *targets)
Tags a target so that it will not be cleaned by -c
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ParseConfig(self, command, function=False, unique=False)
Use the specified function to parse the output of the command in order to modify the current environment.
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ParseDepends(self, filename, must_exist=False, only_one=0)
Parse a mkdep-style file for explicit dependencies.
source code
Platform(self, platform) source code
Precious(self, *targets) source code
Prepend(self, **kw)
Prepend values to existing construction variables in an Environment.
source code
PrependENVPath(self, name, newpath, envname='ENV', sep=':', delete_existing=False)
Prepend path elements to the path 'name' in the 'ENV' dictionary for this environment.
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PrependUnique(self, delete_existing=0, **kw)
Prepend values to existing construction variables in an Environment, if they're not already there.
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Replace(self, **kw)
Replace existing construction variables in an Environment with new construction variables and/or values.
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ReplaceIxes(self, path, old_prefix, old_suffix, new_prefix, new_suffix)
Replace old_prefix with new_prefix and old_suffix with new_suffix.
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Repository(self, *dirs, **kw) source code
Requires(self, target, prerequisite)
Specify that 'prerequisite' must be built before 'target', (but 'target' does not actually depend on 'prerequisite' and need not be rebuilt if it changes).
source code
SConsignFile(self, name='.sconsign', dbm_module=False) source code
Scanner(self, *args, **kw) source code
SetDefault(self, **kw) source code
SideEffect(self, side_effect, target)
Tell scons that side_effects are built as side effects of building targets.
source code
SourceCode(self, entry, builder)
Arrange for a source code builder for (part of) a tree.
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SourceSignatures(self, type) source code
Split(self, arg)
This function converts a string or list into a list of strings or Nodes.
source code
TargetSignatures(self, type) source code
Tool(self, tool, toolpath=False, **kw) source code
Value(self, value, built_value=False) source code
VariantDir(self, variant_dir, src_dir, duplicate=False) source code
WhereIs(self, prog, path=False, pathext=False, reject=[])
Find prog in the path.
source code
__init__(self, platform=False, tools=False, toolpath=False, variables=False, parse_flags=False, **kw)
Initialization of a basic SCons construction environment, including setting up special construction variables like BUILDER, PLATFORM, etc., and searching for and applying available Tools.
source code
_canonicalize(self, path) source code
_changed_build(self, dependency, target, prev_ni) source code
_changed_content(self, dependency, target, prev_ni) source code
_changed_source(self, dependency, target, prev_ni) source code
_changed_timestamp_match(self, dependency, target, prev_ni) source code
_changed_timestamp_newer(self, dependency, target, prev_ni) source code
_changed_timestamp_then_content(self, dependency, target, prev_ni) source code
_copy2_from_cache(self, src, dst) source code
_copy_from_cache(self, src, dst) source code
_find_toolpath_dir(self, tp) source code
_gsm(self) source code
_update(self, dict)
Update an environment's values directly, bypassing the normal checks that occur when users try to set items.
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get_CacheDir(self) source code
get_builder(self, name)
Fetch the builder with the specified name from the environment.
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get_factory(self, factory, default='File')
Return a factory function for creating Nodes for this construction environment.
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get_scanner(self, skey)
Find the appropriate scanner given a key (usually a file suffix).
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get_src_sig_type(self) source code
get_tgt_sig_type(self) source code
scanner_map_delete(self, kw=False)
Delete the cached scanner map (if we need to).
source code

Inherited from SubstitutionEnvironment: AddMethod, MergeFlags, Override, ParseFlags, RemoveMethod, __cmp__, __contains__, __delitem__, __getitem__, __setitem__, arg2nodes, backtick, get, gvars, has_key, items, lvars, subst, subst_kw, subst_list, subst_path, subst_target_source

Inherited from SubstitutionEnvironment (private): _init_special

Class Variables [hide private]
  memoizer_counters = [<SCons.Memoize.CountValue instance at 0x8...

Inherited from SubstitutionEnvironment: __metaclass__

Method Details [hide private]

AppendENVPath(self, name, newpath, envname='ENV', sep=':', delete_existing=False)

source code 
Append path elements to the path 'name' in the 'ENV'
dictionary for this environment.  Will only add any particular
path once, and will normpath and normcase all paths to help
assure this.  This can also handle the case where the env
variable is a list instead of a string.

If delete_existing is 0, a newpath which is already in the path
will not be moved to the end (it will be left where it is).

AppendUnique(self, delete_existing=0, **kw)

source code 
Append values to existing construction variables
in an Environment, if they're not already there.
If delete_existing is 1, removes existing values first, so
values move to end.

Clone(self, tools=[], toolpath=False, parse_flags=False, **kw)

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Return a copy of a construction Environment.  The
copy is like a Python "deep copy"--that is, independent
copies are made recursively of each objects--except that
a reference is copied when an object is not deep-copyable
(like a function).  There are no references to any mutable
objects in the original Environment.

Command(self, target, source, action, **kw)

source code 
Builds the supplied target files from the supplied
source files using the supplied action.  Action may
be any type that the Builder constructor will accept
for an action.

Dump(self, key=False)

source code 

Using the standard Python pretty printer, dump the contents of the
scons build environment to stdout.

If the key passed in is anything other than None, then that will
be used as an index into the build environment dictionary and
whatever is found there will be fed into the pretty printer. Note
that this key is case sensitive.

Execute(self, action, *args, **kw)

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Directly execute an action through an Environment

FindIxes(self, paths, prefix, suffix)

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Search a list of paths for something that matches the prefix and suffix.

paths - the list of paths or nodes.
prefix - construction variable for the prefix.
suffix - construction variable for the suffix.

ParseConfig(self, command, function=False, unique=False)

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Use the specified function to parse the output of the command
in order to modify the current environment.  The 'command' can
be a string or a list of strings representing a command and
its arguments.  'Function' is an optional argument that takes
the environment, the output of the command, and the unique flag.
If no function is specified, MergeFlags, which treats the output
as the result of a typical 'X-config' command (i.e. gtk-config),
will merge the output into the appropriate variables.

ParseDepends(self, filename, must_exist=False, only_one=0)

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Parse a mkdep-style file for explicit dependencies.  This is
completely abusable, and should be unnecessary in the "normal"
case of proper SCons configuration, but it may help make
the transition from a Make hierarchy easier for some people
to swallow.  It can also be genuinely useful when using a tool
that can write a .d file, but for which writing a scanner would
be too complicated.

PrependENVPath(self, name, newpath, envname='ENV', sep=':', delete_existing=False)

source code 
Prepend path elements to the path 'name' in the 'ENV'
dictionary for this environment.  Will only add any particular
path once, and will normpath and normcase all paths to help
assure this.  This can also handle the case where the env
variable is a list instead of a string.

If delete_existing is 0, a newpath which is already in the path
will not be moved to the front (it will be left where it is).

PrependUnique(self, delete_existing=0, **kw)

source code 
Prepend values to existing construction variables
in an Environment, if they're not already there.
If delete_existing is 1, removes existing values first, so
values move to front.

ReplaceIxes(self, path, old_prefix, old_suffix, new_prefix, new_suffix)

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Replace old_prefix with new_prefix and old_suffix with new_suffix.

env - Environment used to interpolate variables.
path - the path that will be modified.
old_prefix - construction variable for the old prefix.
old_suffix - construction variable for the old suffix.
new_prefix - construction variable for the new prefix.
new_suffix - construction variable for the new suffix.

Split(self, arg)

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This function converts a string or list into a list of strings
or Nodes.  This makes things easier for users by allowing files to
be specified as a white-space separated list to be split.
The input rules are:
    - A single string containing names separated by spaces. These will be
      split apart at the spaces.
    - A single Node instance
    - A list containing either strings or Node instances. Any strings
      in the list are not split at spaces.
In all cases, the function returns a list of Nodes and strings.

__init__(self, platform=False, tools=False, toolpath=False, variables=False, parse_flags=False, **kw)

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Initialization of a basic SCons construction environment,
including setting up special construction variables like BUILDER,
PLATFORM, etc., and searching for and applying available Tools.

Note that we do *not* call the underlying base class
(SubsitutionEnvironment) initialization, because we need to
initialize things in a very specific order that doesn't work
with the much simpler base class initialization.

Overrides: SubstitutionEnvironment.__init__

Class Variable Details [hide private]

