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garyo edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 1 revision

MSVC compiler has a nice feature - if you build DLL, all symbols should be resolved. After googling for a few hours, I didn't find the necessary combination of GCC flags, to achieve same result for shared libraries. So I created a custom builder based on ldd and c++filt utilities, which dumps unresolved symbols to a text file.

It is not the perfect solution, but it is good enough for me and may be it will be useful for you too.

  • As a side note: I had more luck with looking for such feature. Linker (at least on linux) has --no-undefined option which does exactly this. When you want to pass it to gcc or g++ you have to use -Wl,--no-undefined to indicate that option has to be passed to linker. - Tomasz Gajewski The builder code:

import os
import re
import subprocess
import SCons.Action
import SCons.Builder
import SCons.Scanner

class dependencies_dumper_t:
    unresolved_lib_re = re.compile( r'^\s+(?P<lib>.*)\s\=\>\snot found.*' )
    undefined_symbol_re = re.compile( r'^\s*undefined symbol\:\s+(?P<symbol>.*)\s\(.*\)' )

    def __init__( self, target, source, env ):
        self.env = env = target
        self.source = source

        self.new_os_env = os.environ.copy()
        self.new_os_env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = env['ENV']['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']
        #self.new_os_env['PATH'] = env.get( 'PATH', os.environ.get( 'PATH', '' ) )
        #todo?: may be I need to add source file directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    def write2log( self, msg ):
        print msg

    def __run_ldd( self ):
            tf = file([0].abspath, 'w+r' )
            args = [ 'ldd', '-r', self.source[0].abspath ]
            ldd_prs = subprocess.Popen( ' '.join( args )
                                        , shell=True
                                        , close_fds=True
                                        , bufsize=1024*50
                                        , stdout=tf
                                        , stderr=tf
                                        , cwd=os.path.dirname( self.source[0].abspath )
                                        , env=self.new_os_env)


            if 0 != ldd_prs.returncode:
                raise RuntimeError( 'Error during execution of ldd process. Error code: %d'
                                    % ldd_prs.return_code )
            output =
            lines = output.split( '\n' )
            lines = map( lambda s: s.strip(), lines )
            return filter( None, lines )
        except Exception, err:
            print 'error executing ldd process: ', str(err)

    def __demangle_symbol( self, symbol ):
            tmp_f_name = os.path.join( self.env['AIS_B_CFG' ]['TEMP_PATH']
                                       , os.path.basename( self.source[0].abspath ) + '.cppfilt.txt' )
            tmp_f = file( self.env.File( tmp_f_name ).abspath, 'w+r' )
            args = [ 'c++filt', symbol ]
            prs = subprocess.Popen( ' '.join( args )
                                    , shell=True
                                    , close_fds=True
                                    , stdout=tmp_f
                                    , stderr=tmp_f )


            if 0 != prs.returncode:
                raise RuntimeError( 'Error during execution of c++filt process. Error code: %d'
                                    % prs.return_code )
            output =
            return '%s { %s }' % ( output, symbol )
        except Exception, err:
            print 'error executing c++filt process: ', str(err)
            return symbol

    def __list_unknown( self, ldd_result, pattern, gname ):
        unknown = []
        for l in ldd_result:
            m = pattern.match( l )
            if not m:
            unknown.append( gname ) )
        return unknown

    def dump(self):
        ldd_lines = self.__run_ldd()
        libs = self.__list_unknown( ldd_lines, self.unresolved_lib_re, 'lib' )
        symbols = self.__list_unknown( ldd_lines, self.undefined_symbol_re, 'symbol' )
        tf = file([0].abspath, 'w+' )
        if libs or symbols:
            tf.write( 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:\n' )
            for path in self.new_os_env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':'):
                tf.write( '\t' + path + '\n' )
            if libs:
                tf.write( 'unresolved libs: \n' )
                for lib in libs:
                    tf.write( '\t' + lib + '\n' )
            if symbols:
                tf.write( 'undefined symbols: \n' )
                for symbol in symbols:
                    tf.write( '\t' + self.__demangle_symbol( symbol ) + '\n' )

def build_it( target, source, env ):
    source - executable or shared object
    target - text file, which contains list of other shared libraries it
             depends on and list of undefined symbols. If there are no
             undefined symbols, the file will be empty

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable will be used to find out the location
    of other shared libraries

    PATH environment variable will be used to find out the location of 'ldd'
    dependencies_dumper_t( target, source, env ).dump()
    return 0

def register_builder( env, name ):
    """"shared library dependencies builder scanner"""
    builder = env.Builder( action = SCons.Action.Action(build_it, "dumping dependencies '$TARGET'")
                           #target_factory - is a factory function that the Builder will use to turn 
                           #any targets specified as strings into SCons Nodes
                           , target_factory=env.fs.File )
    env.Append(BUILDERS={name: builder })

def exists(env):
    """the "combine" builder always exists"""
    return True 

Usage example:


   import dependencies_builder

   env = Environment( ... )
   dependencies_builder.register_builder( env, 'DumpSODependencies' )

   library = env.SharedLibrary( ... )
   installed_lib = env.Install( ..., library )
   library_dependencies = installed_lib[0].abspath + '.txt'
   dependencies = env.DumpSODependencies( library_dependencies, library )
   env.SideEffect('#serialize_dependencies', dependencies)
   env.Alias(targetname, library_dependencies)
   env.AlwaysBuild( library_dependencies )
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