Package SCons :: Package compat :: Module builtins
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Module builtins

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Compatibility idioms for __builtin__ names

This module adds names to the __builtin__ module for things that we want to use in SCons but which don't show up until later Python versions than the earliest ones we support.

This module checks for the following __builtin__ names:

all() any() bool() dict() True False zip()

Implementations of functions are NOT guaranteed to be fully compliant with these functions in later versions of Python. We are only concerned with adding functionality that we actually use in SCons, so be wary if you lift this code for other uses. (That said, making these more nearly the same as later, official versions is still a desirable goal, we just don't need to be obsessive about it.)

If you're looking at this with pydoc and various names don't show up in the FUNCTIONS or DATA output, that means those names are already built in to this version of Python and we don't need to add them from this module.

Functions [hide private]
Returns True if all elements of the iterable are true.
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Returns True if any element of the iterable is true.
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Demote a value to 0 or 1, depending on its truth value.
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dict(seq=[], **kwargs)
New dictionary initialization.
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Emulates the behavior we need from the built-in zip() function added in Python 2.2.
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Variables [hide private]
  __doc__ = ...
  __revision__ = 'src/engine/SCons/compat/ 5110 2010/...
  False = False
  True = True
  __package__ = 'SCons.compat'
Function Details [hide private]


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Demote a value to 0 or 1, depending on its truth value.

This is not to be confused with types.BooleanType, which is way too hard to duplicate in early Python versions to be worth the trouble.


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Emulates the behavior we need from the built-in zip() function added in Python 2.2.

Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the i-th element rom each of the argument sequences. The returned list is truncated in length to the length of the shortest argument sequence.

Variables Details [hide private]


Compatibility idioms for __builtin__ names

This module adds names to the __builtin__ module for things that we wa\
to use in SCons but which don't show up until later Python versions th\
the earliest ones we support.


'src/engine/SCons/compat/ 5110 2010/07/25 16:14:38 bdeegan'