Package SCons :: Package compat :: Module _scons_sets15 :: Class Set
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Class Set

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The set class. It can contain mutable objects.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, seq=False)
The constructor.
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__str__(self) source code
Shallow copy of a set object.
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__contains__(self, elem) source code
__len__(self) source code
__getitem__(self, index) source code
Returns a list of the elements in the set.
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add(self, elem)
Add one element to the set.
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remove(self, elem)
Remove an element from the set.
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discard(self, elem)
Remove an element from the set.
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sort(self, func=<built-in function cmp>) source code
__iter__(self) source code
__or__(self, other)
Union of two sets.
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__sub__(self, other)
Difference of two sets.
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__and__(self, other)
Intersection of two sets.
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__add__(self, other)
Symmetric difference of two sets.
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__mul__(self, other)
Cartesian product of two sets.
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__lt__(self, other)
Returns 1 if the lhs set is contained but not equal to the rhs set.
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__le__(self, other)
Returns 1 if the lhs set is contained in the rhs set.
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__eq__(self, other)
Returns 1 if the sets are equal.
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__cmp__(self, other)
Returns 1 if the sets are equal.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, seq=False)

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The constructor. It can take any object giving an iterator as an optional
argument to populate the new set.

remove(self, elem)

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Remove an element from the set. Return an error if elem is not in the set.

discard(self, elem)

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Remove an element from the set. Do nothing if elem is not in the set.